A month of wonder

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We've had a fun month of learning with ots of engaging activities to experience. Our Tarawera learning space has been engaging in "small world" projects and exploration. Today they searched through a mixture of dirt, leaves and bark to find the ten insects hiding in amongst Papatuanuku. Once the tamariki had found an insect, they checked it off the identification chart, and continued searching the debris for more hidden insects. 

In the Tarawera learning space, our four year olds have been learning to recognise their names, their friends names and practice their pincer grip by way of wooden pegs. We are using these pegs at our kai times when we identify our names and move our peg from one side to the other before we eat.

In our Tikitapu learning space (Under Two's) we provide many opportunities for sensory experiences through messy play. Messy play supports our tamariki in developing confidence and control over their bodies through active exploration using all their senses, whilst gaining a sense of enjoyment for trying new things.