A project for the penguins


This month our Prep School tamariki were lucky enough to be asked by our friendly neighbours Fulton Hogan to help them with a project. Our task was to paint some wooden boxes for them that were going to be used as Penguin Rescue boxes in Lyttelton Harbour. The children had an awesome time engaging in the painting of these boxes and as usual this brought up lots of questions about what these were going to be used for, what penguins were going to be using them and so on. After we had finished putting on a pre coat of paint on the boxes we had a photographer come in and photograph us putting our handprints on the boxes and making some abstract art on the other. A few days later we had a lady who was going to be taking the penguin boxes come in and answer all of our questions. This was a fantastic opportunity for the children to see and hear what all their hard work was going towards and we were told we would be sent some photos of the penguins using our special boxes! What a fantastic experience we had and we weren’t able to complete this without the fantastic help from our neighbours Fulton Hogan.