Becoming “School Ready” at BestStart Vivian Street

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At BestStart Vivian Street we are often asked how we get children “ready for school” and I have been reflecting on this, with my background as  Primary School Teacher, and having upgraded to ECE, it has been on my mind an awful lot lately and felt that a blog about it would be a great start.

At BestStart Vivian Street where our vision is “Bringing our “A” game to ignite a passion for teaching and learning” we put a lot of focus on the wide range of skills classed as “Social Competency” skills.  These are the skills that go alongside being able to share, negotiating, taking turns, being kind to others, accepting how other people feel and so on.  We also pay a lot of attention to children learning to be kind and  independent, we work very hard on teaching children to be able to perform actions on their own – perhaps with assistance to begin with, and then encouragement and praise as they begin to do things for themselves.

Academically, once your child begins school, they are learning to read and write and do maths. Those are all skills that actually begin as soon as your child is born. 

Lets look at reading and writing:  A man named Donald Graves once wrote “Writing flows on a sea of speech”. Let us consider that for a minute, it is entirely true that if your child cannot say a word, if it is not in their vocabulary, then they are unlikely to know what it means, how to read it or indeed how to write it.  The best way to bolster reading and writing in these early years is speech development and language acquisition.  Reading to your child everyday is imperative for them to build up a reservoir of language knowledge.  Good old fashioned nursery rhymes are so important, playing with words so your child learns to manipulate language, and plain old fashioned talking.  Everyday, to and more importantly, with your child.  We have conversations with your children everyday – just like you do.  Chat with your child whilst you are having dinner, having them “help” you with household chores and chatting with them at the same time – these are great bonding times and super for ensuring that your child has a “sea of speech” and not just a puddle.

Mathematics – it seems trite to say so but mathematics is all around your child from the very beginning.  Can they judge how their body fits through a space?  Can they work out how to put their jersey on?  Whilst you are chatting while having dinner or pegging out washing – do you talk about colours, and do some simple counting?  How many of us count “one, two” as you are putting shoes on with your child?  Or pants? 

At BestStart Vivian Street children are developing their social competency skills all the time.  We are focusing teaching for your child to develop these skills through whatever current interest they have.  By working in partnership with family, whanau and wider community children’s social competency is enhanced and developed. 

Hand eye co-ordination (essential for reading and writing) is developed through play, physical play with balls, climbing and sandpit play.  Dexterity and fine motor skills are developed through manipulation of materials, mobile, play dough.  Your child’s self confidence – which is the essential ingredient to learning – because children have to believe they are capable – is developed through relationship building.  Through placing a high value on their learning, and by being intentional in our teaching, we are not just getting your child ready for school – we are getting them ready for life.

If you want your child to be confident, independent and to believe in themselves, why don’t you come visit us so we can talk about your thoughts?