Building social skills every day


At BestStart Vivian we are focused on developing our tamariki socially. Everyday we provide a range of play provocations to extend children’s social development. Lately this hot weather has provided a perfect provocation in water play. Whilst tamariki are engaged in water play, they are practising a range of skills that will benefit them in the long term. They are developing mathematical concepts, such as measuring using different sized vessels, comparing, and making judgement, e.g., “will the water from this fit into that?” Alongside these skills however children are taking turns, using patience, negotiating, sharing ideas, and considering others.

These are the skills that tamariki will use daily in order to communicate well in later life, school and further on, work/career. Our communication skills are the foundation for everything, when we can communicate well with others, we develop self esteem and empathy as we have our own needs met and meet the needs of others. We feel a sense of belonging and when we feel heard, nurtured and that we belong, we can be kind and develop others.