Cat burglar targets ABC Springlands


ABC Springlands has been the target of a  spate of burglaries recently!

Teachers have been scratching their heads over the whereabouts of hats, toys, shoes and socks. Schoolbags, lockers, furniture and hideyholes have been checked and rechecked with nothing found. It was a mystery. Then one day we had a visit from one of our neighbours, Karen.  She has a cat called Minx - a master cat burglar. She noticed that Minx was bringing home an amazing collection of hats, shoes, beanbags, soft animals and dolls clothes each night. When she saw the ABC logo on the hats she realised where they were coming from. Collecting Minx’s trophies, she washed and returned them to our centre. What a relief to get our missing items returned and what a clever cat Minx is. He can even get under our drop down blinds to take hats from boxes or racks. We would love to meet Minx so we will invite Karen to bring Minx to visit us one day.