Checking the honey bees


Today our toddler group went out to watch Anne-Marie from Zen bees check out our hive. She talked us through what she was doing, showed us the bees wax and where baby bees were hatching. The children learnt about honey, how it is made and where it has come from. Experiences like this show children “where life grows” as they learn how their food gets back to the table. 

They got to get close to the hive and have a really good look, being careful not to disturb the bees who were hard at work. 

This sparked lots of questions this afternoon about how the bees can pollinate our community vegetable gardens, and how we can help the bees to produce lots of honey! 

Our honey is then sold in the foyer for our Whanau and wider community, and the children love to eat this on their toast in the mornings! Yum yum!