How did the dinosaurs become extinct?


A group of children in Rua Room had been talking about dinosaurs so we decided to do an experiment to learn about how the dinosaurs became extinct.  We started off by making a habitat for them. The children worked together setting it up in the container, taking turns to put pieces down.  Once it was all set up they each put some dinosaurs in the habit and they took turns sprinkling some baking soda across the habitat.

For the final part of the experiment we coloured the vinegar red and each child took turns dropping it around the container to make lots of "volcanic eruptions".  As we were doing it the children were sharing their thoughts and ideas about dinosaurs and why they believed there were no more dinosaurs left on earth.

Through this experience the children were able to learn more about dinosaurs in a fun and interactive way. They were able to share their own knowledge and listen to others while learning more information about what happened to the dinosaurs.