Independence. Whiringa-ā-nuku


The Infant House classroom at BestStart Montessori the Gardens supports our pēpi (babies) and tamariki (children) to become independent and able to undertake selfcare and practical life activities.  As our ākonga grow and develop we offer more opportunities for them to learn new skills, initially with support and then as the master their learning, independently.

Montessori advocates for real-life experiences and real tools are used by ākonga. At kai times we have glasses, ceramic plates, and metal cutlery. Our pēpi and tamariki learn to manage these at mealtimes, with the support of nearby kaiako (teacher).  As ākonga master walking they are encouraged to take their own dishes up to the trays, holding one item at a time with two hands. Then they are supported to wash their own kanohi (face) and ringaringa (hands), putting their dirty cloths in the wash basket.

Outside ākonga help to clear the leaves from the grass, sweeping them up and then putting them into a bucket. They are supported to help with our garden, planting and watering vegetables and any other tasks that are needing to be completed. We encourage care of Papatūānuku and sustainable practices within our classroom.

BestStart Montessori the Gardens philosophy says: Our goal is to nurture and celebrate each child’s natural desire for knowledge and understanding and inspire passion for lifelong learning. Watching our ākonga moving through the different classrooms it is easy to see how they are growing the skills they began to master in Infant House, lifelong learning. 

Te Whāriki our Aotearoa Early Childhood Curriculum links to this with the contribution | mana tangata strand. It says: Children experience an environment where they are affirmed as individuals recognising and appreciating their own ability to learn.