Kai time at Community Kindy Te Rapa

Kai time at Community Kindy Te Rapa

We talked to our tamariki, whanau, and teachers and together we decided what types of experiences we wanted during our kai time.  We wanted a kai time experience that wasn't rushed and we were able to build relationships, an unhurried time, a time for talking, listening, where we are available and tuned in and responsive to our tamariki, a time when our tamariki gather together with their teachers.

Predictability through our kai routine was also important, where teachers help our tamariki to anticipate what will happen next, such as saying our karakia before washing hands for kai and when finished washing our plates before washing our faces.  Our kai time is a time to weave in independence skills as our tamariki serve themselves either by buffet style morning tea or from their tables at lunch and afternoon kai.

Lastly, we also enjoy some kai time entertainment either by relaxing music softly being played in the back group or by our talented kaiako Leah who can be seen putting on a ukulele performance.  These performances are always a big hit during kai times.