Learning through curiosity

The more curious a child is, the more he learns. Nurturing your child’s curiosity is one of the most important ways you can help her become a lifelong learner.

Babies are born learners, with a natural curiosity to figure out how the world works. Curiosity is the desire to learn. It is an eagerness to explore, discover and figure things out.

Parents and caregivers don’t have to “make” their children curious or “push” their children to learn. In fact, it is a child’s internal desire to learn (their curiosity), not external pressure, that motivates him to seek out new experiences and leads to greater success in school over the long term.

Curiosity is something all babies are born with. They come into the world with a drive to understand how the world works:

  • A newborn follows sounds, faces and interesting objects with her eyes. 
  • An 8-month-old shakes a rattle and then puts it into his mouth to see what this object can do.
  • A toddler takes a stool to reach the counter top where the phone is—a “toy” she loves to play with.
  • A 2-year-old pretends she is the garbage collector and puts all her stuffed animals into the laundry basket “garbage truck” to figure out what it feels like to be in the other person’s shoes.

Checkout our videos below of children exploring and learning through curiosity