Our hothouse experiment

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Our tamariki are testing ideas and exploring ways to establish our seedlings for our vegetable garden. Through our explorations we are learning new skills and having fun along the way. Here we are planting seeds that will one day be planted in our vegetable garden and shared with our preschool whanau. We used a fantastic indoor mini hothouse idea as an experiment. Keeping track of our progress is a great way to figure out a growing timeline for our vegetables. So much learning can be incorporated into our science experience, we are all learning the process of growth cycle and the importance of turn taking. Of course all while having fun with our friends!

This is a social experience, this has the tamariki expressing their views on the mini hot houses (even the views where they think Sonya is crazy for planting seeds in a bag!)

All our tamariki are given the choice of what they want to grow, this has sparked another question, "what takes longer to grow".

We add moisture to the soil prior to taping them to the window. Our tamariki are so focused.