Preschool Tahi's planting project

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In partnership with our class parents, we asked them to bring a potted plant to school for their child to take care of. Growing any sort of plant or vegetable from the seedling or bulb stage requires daily attention and care. Gardening is a great way to teach responsibility, but, it is no overnight process. In this activity, the children learnt to be patient when waiting for their flowers and vegetables to grow. They were also engaged in the process and keep looking after their flowers even when there are no clear results.

During the process, we’ve asked the children to transfer the plants to a bigger planter boxes and arranged it outside of our classroom. From time to time, the children waters the plants and observe what ahs been happening to it. 

Some of the children’s voices:
 “Why the flowers not the same color?”, Ella.
 “This is my flower plant.”, Ayana.
 “It’s a big tree. It’s growing.”, Zayn.
 “No picking leaves, we take care of it.”, Carter.
 “I want to plant some more.”, Saanvi D. 

They were able to learn about the different species of plants and what those plants need to help them grow. They also get to learn about the different seasons, weather and the affects they have on the plants. It also offers an opportunity to learn about different shapes and colours, and different animals and insects they might come across.

Children learnt to work together and enjoyed discussing different types of flower and process they have carried out to plant. The anticipation of waiting for whose flower will shoot through the soil first encourage children to interact and engage. Gardening presents wonderful opportunities for children to bond and help each other look after and nurture their flowers.