The Great Green Smoothie!

The Great Green Smoothie!

As we are advancing our way towards our Healthy Heart objectives, and we made a delicious morning tea of Fresh Fruits and ‘Emerald Isle’ Green Smoothies.

Our mini-Chefs divided, colour coded, chopped and blended berries, kiwi fruit, apple, grapes and bananas with yoghurt and milk to make a wonderful super healthy morning tea. The nutritious vitamin packed drink deliciously washed down some heart warming crispy air baked ‘Irish’ potato wedges, we also made for the day. By mid-morning. we were all well fueled up, with ample energy to concentrate on making shamrocks, jigging our way around the centre and participating in lots of jovial shenanigans.

Look at all that fruit! Lots of counting, dividing, sharing, sorting, peeling and chopping. The blender made lots of exciting noise, and bought more children into the kitchen. There's no added sugar, just whole foods and yoghurt. Green goodness, lots of vitamins and calcium with great simple ingredients for healthy minds, healthy hearts and healthy children.

Here at Bay Kindy we always endeavour to create an environment where Kaiako and Tamariki can work collaboratively to tend to their 'health and well being', paying mindful attention to all 'aspects of physical care, including healthy eating and nutrition'.

Kai preparation experiences empower children to develop 'self worth, identity, confidence and enjoyment' along with nurturing positive relationships and enhancing their social competence skills.