Vaiaso o le Gagana Sāmoa/Sāmoa language week

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Here at the Home of the Brave we embrace all cultures and ethnicities within our community. During this year's Vaiaso o le Gagana Sāmoa/Sāmoa language week we celebrated the third most spoken language in Aotearoa. Our tamaiti/children have been learning about the beautiful language of Sāmoa through pese/song, numera/numbers, during tautalaga/discussions and reading books with Samoan translations. We love music and dance here at the Home of the Brave, so when we started playing Samoan songs our tamaiti couldn't pass up the opportunity to siva/dance along to the sounds of the pātē/Sāmoan drum and learn what traditional siva looks like. The tamaiti explored different ways to celebrate gagana Sāmoa in their mahi toi such as painting stencils with beautiful Sāmoan designs, colouring in their own siapo/tapa and creating an ili/fan.

At the Home of the Brave our tamaiti are developing their mātauranga of celebrating and appreciating the diverse language, values, customs, and traditions of other cultures within their community. This creates beautiful learning experiences within a bi-cultural and multi-cultural learning environment, that contributes to affirming the identities, languages, and cultures of all tamariki, whānau, and kaiako from a strong bicultural foundation.