Visit to our local primary school

At BestStart Buchanans Road we have wonderful links with our local Primary kura Gilberthorpe Primary School. We walk over and visit them every two weeks. This is a wonderful opportunity for all the children in our room to experience a Primary School before they start their next learning journey.

When we arrive we are greeted by the Kaiako and tamariki from Gilberthorpe and all of our visiting children are given a buddy, who looks after them for the duration they are at kura. Our tamariki are shown learning stations which the children play at when it is not group time with a teacher and they are allowed to join reading groups if they show an interest.

These regular transition visits allow tamariki who are attending that school to get to build relationships with the new entrant teachers and support children’s learning continuity as they make this crucial transition. It gives our transitioning children a sense of belonging in a school setting and allows them to be prepared and express their feelings about the transition ahead so we at Buchanan’s road can look after their wellbeing.

We all absolutely love our transition visits.