Welcoming all of our tamariki

Welcoming all of our tamariki

We have been so impressed to see how well our children have settled so quickly back into centre life. Our Whare Tamariki room have been busy exploring their group focus on S.T.E.M we have seen lots of fun measurement and mathematic activities especially using water play and different types of containers to measure water in.  Our older tamariki have been showing a real interest in art and drawing recently, we are extending our literacy skills as we have been getting creative with pens, pencils, and pastels! We are preparing to celebrate Matariki in July and worked hard to plant a new garden which the tamariki are remembering to water each day! 

We have a busy group of toddlers in our pepi room currently and they have been busy learning through art, baking, and climbing!  
We have been so happy to welcome some new whanau to our centre including our new kaiako Larissa!