Toddlers love to explore! Exploring through play and social interaction is a great way for tamariki...
Winter season is the beginning of the New Year Matariki which means the tiny eyes or nine stars will...
Children exploring different areas of play and learning at their own pace!
Environment plays an important role in children's play, learning, and developmental progress. Our i...
We support and facilitate children's play and learning through learning experiences that help them...
We celebrated Te Wiki o te Reo Māori, Māori language week.
We celebrate Birthdays at BestStart Avondale under healthy heart guidelines.
The start of the Māori New Year was heralded by the rise of the star cluster known in Māori as Matar...
Toddlers love to explore and by playing and interacting with others they learn skills they need for...
Planned fun experiences help children re-establish their bonds with the teachers and friends and enh...
It is the most wonderful time of the year although this time it was a little different from the othe...
Children had a wonderful learning experience during Diwali week at the centre . They had music, danc...