
We're making a difference, together, within our communities.
Plunket and BestStart
BestStart partners Plunket because we have a shared objective of growing great New Zealand kids. Our support goes directly to the incredible PlunketLine, the 24/7 free call service for NZ parents. BestStart’s partnership resources five Plunket nurses’ training so that PlunketLine is well-resourced with lactation experts, because we know how important that is to young mothers and their children.
BestStart holds an annual appeal for Plunket (The BestStart Plunket Appeal), with the funds raised in communities going straight back into them. We are proud to have raised tens of thousands of dollars for Plunket and we thank our parents and teams for their generosity.
Over the past 100 years Plunket has made an enormous contribution to generations of Kiwi families. As the largest provider of free support services for the development, health and wellbeing of children under five, Plunket is a precious resource for New Zealanders. Plunket sees more than 91% of newborns in New Zealand each year and offers parenting information and support as well as developmental assessments of your child.
Plunket nurses provide support through home and clinic visits, mobile clinics and Plunket Line, a free telephone advice service for parents. Plunket also provides car-seat services, parent groups, parenting education and toy libraries, drop-in centres, playgroups and education in schools – most of which are available nationwide and free of charge.
As a Star Partner, BestStart has also committed assistance to help develop PlunketPlus, Plunket’s electronic health system. PlunketPlus is now an essential tool, ensuring Plunket contributes to improving health outcomes for children and their families/whānau. PlunketPlus provides access to relevant client information no matter where they are in New Zealand, enabling greater efficiencies in managing our kids’ wellbeing and development. BestStart is proud to be working alongside Plunket and we look forward to developing our special relationship over the coming years to achieve even more for New Zealand children.
Wright Family Foundation
The Wright Family Foundation is the culmination of years making a difference in the lives of children. For 20 years, Chloe and Wayne Wright have continued to build New Zealand’s early-learning organisation, BestStart, a registered charity.
Through BestStart they make a positive difference in New Zealand society by helping to promote and demonstrate to our youngest members the values of collaboration, sharing and kindness.
In the earliest years of a child’s life, relationships rather than skills are what’s most important in creating confident and able adults.
In January 2015 BestStart was transferred to the ownership of the Wright Family Foundation, a charitable trust. This marked the beginning of the Foundation.
The Foundation now supports educational initiatives through New Zealand Spelling Bee, Kids’ Lit Quiz and House of Science, the Graeme Dingle Foundation, Super Grans, I Have a Dream, the Parenting Place, Roots of Empathy, The Bumble Trust, Te Aka Mauri, The Curiously Good Book Club and birthing centres
BestStart Fire Truck
We are proud to partner BestStart Fire Truck because we are in awe of the hard work and passion of their team, regularly travelling New Zealand to help Kiwi kids in need of a helping hand. Supporting Blue Light, a Police-led charity that focuses on building skills and opportunities among New Zealand’s children, we regularly see the team making a positive difference in the lives of many.