In the Fantail room the tamariki enjoy engaging in a range of sensory and messy play activities. Tod...
Open-ended resources that can be used in a variety of ways such as scarfs and boxes give tamariki th...
As the weather cools and the sun graces us with its presence, our tamariki eagerly embrace the oppor...
In the Fantails room we are making use of this beautiful summery weather by engaging in a lot of wat...
Playdoh is an amazing resource for Tamariki of all ages to explore as it enhances both our fine and...
In the Fantails room the tamariki local planning is focused on scientific exploration, as part of th...
In the Fantail room our planning is based around Whanaugatanga where we are working on building stro...
We were invited to an athletics' day with all of our sister centres from Palmerston North and Whanga...
The icy winter has provided lots of exciting opportunities to explore science concepts.
During the last month we have been focusing on exploring the outdoor environment and developing our...
We are so excited to announce the opening of our new Pukeko Room at BestStart Glasgow Street!
The children in BestStart Glasgow's Fantail room have been taking the learning into their own hands...