BestStart Kamo Central focuses on sustainability, achieving Enviroschool status with eco-friendly pr...
Here at BestStart Kamo Central, we are lucky to have one of our amazing parents work down the road a...
Here at BestStart Kamo Central we celebrated Pink Shirt Day this week. Pink Shirt Day is about worki...
Here at BestStart Kamo Central, we are currently focusing on becoming more sustainable. As part of...
It's been a month full of Christmas here at BestStart Kamo Central!
BestStart Kamo Central celebrates its recent innovation award after a year-long journey focused on r...
Read about our Matariki Celebration where we participated in a range of activities and shared pumpki...
Introducing our three beautiful chickens! At BestStart Kamo Central we have been on a Kaitiakitanga...
After the school holidays, we decided to host a day of fun at our centre with water balloons, slime,...
We had so many fun activities planned for tamariki, like riding red bikes, red themed art, red slime...
BestStart Kamo Central have been lucky enough to be involved in a pumpkin growing competition!
Daffodil Day was celebrated at home, with children on the hunt for anything yellow in their homes so...