At BestStart Katikati, our young learners recently embarked on an exciting underwater adventure as p...
At BestStart Katikati, Pink Shirt Day is not just a date on the calendar; it's a vibrant celebration...
Nau mai haere mai, Welcome to BestStart Katikati. At BestStart Katikati, Our vision is “where we bel...
BestStart Katikati ran a holiday programme at the end of term 3. All the tamariki were very excited...
Matariki is the Maori name for the star cluster known as Pleiades or the Seven Sisters, and it's app...
BestStart Katikati has adopted our local park/reserve and will be venturing across the road with the...
The benefits of spontaneous play and what learning evolves from imagination
The Healthy Heart Award recognises centres for the amazing things that they do to promote healthy fo...
With the Under Two’s at BestStart Katikati, our current planning is on our tamariki’s verbal and non...
At BestStart Katikati we have been focusing our learning around Te Tiriti of Waitangi.
Our tamariki were so excited to bring their special cuddly friends in from home.
The children at BestStart Katikati have be enjoying a lot of water play as part of the Summer Fun H...