Our portfolio books are such an important part of our sense of belonging and learning in the Kiwi ro...
We've been exploring the topic ‘Science and Nature’ from BestStart's 16 areas of play resource.
Children have been enjoying the warmer weather outdoors, like ball play; aiming and throwing; passin...
Learning can come in many shapes and forms. Here at BestStart Maunu Village, we've been busy learnin...
Read about how our tamariki learnt about primary and secondary colours by mixing them together using...
We're all about children leading their own learning, our teachers provide learning experiences that...
How about we turn the room into a Jungle? The children were very excited veryone shouting excitedly...
This year we had our Matariki disco celebration at Maunu Primary School, our children have been so e...
We place huge importance on growing confidence and independent tamariki. We are always focusing on d...
Taking responsibilities and shared thinking around a rescued cricket at BestStart Maunu Village.
We have been working alongside Bunnings to create a sensory garden for tamariki at the centre
Every moment with our infants and toddlers matters