Here at Home of the Brave we empower our tamariki to be kaitiaki (guardians) of our taiao (environme...
Happy holidays, have a safe, blessed and enjoyable holiday season.
"With your food basket and my food basket, the people will thrive" - This whakataukii is very fittin...
Our tamariki shared that they use kawakawa balm at home, so we decided to make some of our own balms...
The tamariki at BestStart Powells Road Kindy used their imaginations and became Doctors for the day!...
It's that time of the year where lots of our friends move on to kura.
This year our tamariki have been working together in mahi tahi (collaboration) to decorate and beaut...
Our talented kaiako facilitated a “Spring into Spring” celebration, to acknowledge the success of th...
We held a beautiful superheroes celebration to shine a spotlight on the strong Tane and Wahine that...
Today we decided to make gloop with the nga tamariki.
May has flown by in a flash, we look back on dryer days with longer hours of daylight. ...
This month we've had an exciting new addition to our Home of the Brave whānau, and his name is Toa!...