Celebrating Puanga
At this time of the year the Puanga star rises in Taranaki and becomes visible over Taranaki Maunga. It marks the beginning of a new year and an important time when we celebrate our Earth Mother, Papatūānuku and show respect for the land on which we live. It signals the time to gather and preserve crops like kūmara, and a time for gathering with whānau to remember the past. New trees can be planted to signal new beginnings.
Our vision here at BestStart South Road in Hāwera is..."Ngā maha reo - kotahi te hāpori"..."Multiple Voices - One Community." As part of living our vision, on the evening of the 8th July, we came together as one - tamariki, whānau and kaiako - to celebrate Puanga. We shared kai and kōrero, listened to a Matariki story and watched our tamariki perform waiata. A wonderful BestStart community gathering!