Our Pēpē (Babies)


At BestStart, we understand that the early years lay the foundation for a child’s future.

That’s why we’re committed to providing exceptional care and development opportunities for our pēpē (babies and infants).

Our specially designed Our Pēpē programme is built on the latest research into brain development, the critical first 1000 days and the importance of strong, loving relationships.

The key to healthy development is connection. Through primary caregiving, our teachers form meaningful attachments with babies, responding to their cues with care and intention. Everyday moments like nappy changing, bottle feeding and play are opportunities for eye contact, conversation, song and rhyme - interactions that foster secure relationships and develop the healthy brain pathways essential for emotional regulation, learning and growth. 

Our infant teachers are specialists in nurturing young minds and hearts. They integrate care routines with enriching experiences in music, movement, physical play, art and language, creating a holistic approach to learning and development. The Our Pēpē programme ensures every moment spent with your baby supports their wellbeing, nurtures their identity and helps them thrive.

Through dedicated training in primary caregiving, our teachers are equipped to provide the very best care for your baby. At BestStart, we’re proud to support tamariki and whānau during these vital early years, laying the groundwork for a lifetime of learning.

BestStart thanks Erin France for her internationally recognised Our Pēpē programme.


Et quidem rerum necessitatibus

We’ve found that teachers can form strong attachments with children. When teachers are responsive to a child expressing a need, it teaches them that adults are listening and will respond with what they need. This supports the formation of healthy brain pathways that develop the skills needed to self-regulate their emotions in later life.

In quo pertineant non

At BestStart we see infant teachers as specialists. Our Pēpē encourages quality care and learning through music, movement, physical play, art, language and relationships. Our teachers integrate the care of your child (the nappy changing, feeding and sleeping) with teaching and learning so that special attention is given to developing their brain through these deep and connected relationships with your child’s caregiver.

BestStart provides training around primary caregiving and the importance of attachment to ensure our teachers are aware of their role to support the development of neurological pathways for our children.

BestStart thanks Erin France for her internationally recognised Our Pēpē programme

Alii autem quibus ego assentior memoriter tum etiam dolor ipsum

In oculis quidem exercitus quid ex ea voluptate velit esse, ut dolore disputandum putant sed ut calere ignem, nivem esse albam, dulce mel quorum nihil est, qui dolorem eum fugiat, quo pertineant non possim accommodare torquatos nostros quos dolores.

Omne animal, simul atque insitam in bonis sit extremum et ultimum bonorum, quod summum malum dolorem, idque instituit docere sic.

16 areas of playAlii autem, quibus ego assentior, cum
16 areas of play
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