Learning about the natural world, science and sustainability.


All the children love a good bug hunt, but over the past few weeks I have noticed they find bugs and insects but the follow-up love and care for them could be better. 

So today I explained the idea of a bug hotel to the children and showed them some pictures on the IPad. Then off they went to collect materials to build the hotel. As their boxes were filled with natural and recycled materials they came together and tipped their findings out. We had pine ones, wood, logs, grapefruit, dirt, leaves, stones, shells, weeds, and other bits and pieces. Together we built the hotel making sure every treasure was used. Then they were off to find the bugs! 

Logs were turned over and garden pots were looked under “Worms!” Was shouted and all the children went running to help pick up every worm they could find. A butterfly with broken wings was found, and centipedes, a cockroach, and a sack of spider eggs were placed safely in the hotel. The boys were so proud of their efforts and went to tell the girls to come out for a look. Building a bug hotel teaches children about the natural world around them. This was a great project for the children to be involved in and learn more about their natural environment, science, and sustainability. 

We all know children learn best through first-hand experiences and getting into the garden teaches children to take care of the living creatures in it, what their habitats are like, and the important roles these insects all have in the garden while taking science outside. The children are learning new vocabulary, playing alongside others, and working together. They are showing pride in their work and share the excitement when a bug is found! 

They all want to help catch it! I was very impressed by the perseverance and sustained interest of this mini-project. Tomorrow we will add clipboards, magnifying glasses, and some waterproof insect pictures to extend the learning for these boys. I can’t wait to see where this leads us!

For more information about the learning and development that happens during science and nature play click here.