2020 Diwali Celebrations

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Best Start New Lynn celebrated Diwali with our whanau on the 13th November.

Children helped the teachers to draw rangoli patterns on the celebration day. We also made Diyas and decorated with variety of collage material and displayed them. The teachers and most of our tamariki arrived dressed in traditional Indian clothes.

Some of whanau requested for henna designs for their children. The teachers and children made some special yummy celebration food and some parents also contributed Diwali treats to share with everyone.

We welcomed our whanau with special Indian greetings and then one of the teachers explained the significance of this colourful celebration.  After that it was time for a Dance party, we invited everyone to come on the dance floor and dance with their children. Everybody enjoyed the day celebrating together in different ways.

Cultural celebrations give children an opportunity to feel a sense of belonging, to develop respectful and responsive relationships with others and learn to respect other’s cultures and beliefs. Teachers have encouraged the children as well as parents to participate, it strengthens children's self-identity and promotes inclusive practice. 

There were lots of positive feedback from whanau regarding diversity.