A Community of Learning
At BestStart Omahu Road we are actively a part of Ngā hau e whā
Kāhui Ako (Community of Learning) is a group of education and training providers working together to help learners achieve their full potential. A Community of Learning can include early learning services, schools, kura, and post-secondary education providers.
Each Community of Learning sets shared goals, or achievement challenges based on the particular needs of its children and young people. The Community of Learning works with students, their parents, whānau, iwi and communities to achieve those challenges.
By collaborating and sharing expertise, students' learning pathways are supported and their transition through the education system improved. This approach also provides more opportunities for parents, families and whānau and communities to be involved with their children and young people's learning.
We are focusing on how we can best support our whanau by incorporating their aspirations for their child within the learning environment. With our knowledge as kaiako and knowing the child’s individual interests we can incorporate these together to work alongside one another to gain greater learning outcomes for whanau and tamariki.
Throughout this year we have strengthened our connections within our community while learning more our history, which we have been able to bring back into the centre and implement.