A month of celebrations and Events
The month of May was all about celebrations. Following the guidelines of Ministry of health and supporting our children’s learning, we organised an event for our parents and whānau where they pleasantly came and shared their ideas, thoughts and aspirations for their tamariki to support them with their learning and development.
It was a great experience to meet all of our parents in the whanau hui in order to work in partnership to achieve the best outcomes for our children. On the same day we celebrated Mother’s Day for our beautiful mums and had a morning tea for them. The event was a great success.
The hui allowed us to develop respectful reciprocal relationships with parents where they felt welcoming, comfortable and happy to share their aspirations/concerns to keep us working in partnership. Moreover, the event provided us to talk about the Individual Child Plan (ILP) with each parent. Whānau involvement is imperative to build strong relationships for all kaiako in the setting.
Apart from that we celebrated Pink Shirt Day to speak up, stand together and stop bullying. Then, at the end of the month, we celebrated plunket bear hug appeal week and organised a fund raising program for our parents, teachers, children and the whole community to support Plunket. Celebrating all these events help our tamariki to respect each other and get to know diverse culture by engaging in a variety of tasks.