A purple cauli!

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At BestStart Havelock North we have had a huge interest in our garden growing all sorts of beautiful flowers and tasty vegetables. How this came about was some of our children went on an excursion to the Green Door Garden Centre. From here they had a good look around the plants and had a chat about what they might like to grow. They returned to the centre with some little seedlings. This started into a little process of how to begin to care for them with watering them and giving sunlight. As they started to sprout they were transplanted into our bigger garden outside at the front of the centre. We were able to see how quickly they were growing from our window. We have been on excursions to check how our plants are doing. Debbie has shown the children what weeds look like when tidying around the plants. As our plants continued to grow  Debbie has taken a few children outside to check our Silverbeet, Kale and Broccoli. We also discovered that our Cauliflower had turned purple.

When the time came to harvest Debbie invited a few friends to help her get some broccoli. This was to be served with our Fried Rice for kai. Our children were so excited to be picking the broccoli. We noticed there were very large leaves. The children got to pick lots of broccoli and inside Debbie found a bowl. The children got to examine the stem and leaves close-up. They all loved trying the broccoli with many of them asking for some more. Our garden is such a Taonga-treasure here, it is well-loved being watered and cared for.

We look forward to picking our purple Cauliflower next to have this with Carrot sticks, Cucumber and Hummus.