A special time of year - Matariki


Ngaa mihi o Matariki, te tau hou Maaori e te iwi" At BestStart Greenwood street Matariki is a special time where our tamariki are able to share all their matauranga with their whaanau in the Centre. We have Grandparents, parents, their neighbors, and their friends come to celebrate and commemorate their achievements thus far. 

Whaanau are able to see and connect with their tamaiti learning through beautiful visual art displays, watch them interact in their learning environment with their Kaiako and peers as they enjoy a day full of activities with and alongside their tamaiti. It is also a chance to enjoy a chat with Kaiako meet other parents and eat some great food. It is also important for us to share some truly special things about Matariki. 

By gathering together, reflecting, and setting intentions for the new year. It is a wonderful time to gather as friends and whaanau to celebrate the lives of our passed loved ones through the star Poohutukawa, set aspirations for ourselves and their tamariki through the star Hiwa-i-te-rangi, and our favorite! Eating and sharing some yummy kai together. "Ngaa mihi o Matariki, te tau hou Maaori from BestStart Greenwood