A super fun chemistry experiment

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Do you know which things dissolve in water and which do not?

This was the question which sparked a super fun chemistry experiment for the children today!   Chemistry is all about the way different materials are put together, how they act under different conditions and how they may go through changes when added to water. When I asked the group of children what dissolving was, there were lots of different ideas, this led to a big group discussion and of course some experimentation. 

Together we explored this science concept by using rice, prunes, cornflour and cocoa, to test what would happen when they were added to water.   Very quickly they could see that the rice and prunes simply floated around in the bottom of the glass, whilst the cornflour and cocoa quickly disappeared, slightly changing the water colour .Next was the extra, extra fun part!  The children got to begin experimenting on her own, making her own predictions and testing her own theories. We also decided to try using different water temperatures to see if these would change how items dissolved.  When we cracked an egg into a cold glass of water it simply disappeared, changing the water colour but when we did the same thing with hot water the egg turned into a mass as it began to cook.


What learning has occurred

:Empowerment - Asking questions, making assumptions, testing theories, communication, celebrating new discoveries, developing a love for learning

.Citizenship/Social - Turn taking, Negotiation, supporting others, patience,  Science/ Maths/Science - Chemistry, solids/liquids, counting, size, amounts

Literacy - Increasing vocab, reading (packets/containers).