A visit from a paramedic and a police officer

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Here at Best start Oraha Road this month we had a paramedic visit with his ambulance, and a police officer visit with his police car. 

We are so lucky that these two grandfathers could come in to talk to the tamariki about their role in the community, and to show them their vehicles and equipment. We love it when whānau come in and share their expertise!

The tamariki were so excited when Alan turned up in his uniform and police car, and couldn’t wait to get inside and hear the sirens.This visit helped the tamariki to develop their working theories about the role that the police play in the real world: they don’t just catch “baddies”, they help to keep us safe, too.

Seeing inside the ambulance was an absolute highlight when paramedic David came to visit. He showed the tamariki some of the equipment the ambulances carry and demonstrated how it is used. The tamariki found it all very fascinating, as did the kaiako. While we hope that our tamariki never need an ambulance, we do hope that in the event of an emergency they understand that it is not something to be afraid of and that paramedics and ambulances are there to help, as are the police.

We look forward to seeing how the tamariki react to this new information as they engage in role play, and are excited about the possibilities for extending their play.