A visit from the fire brigade


At BestStart Lemon Street we had fireman Chris come to visit us from the New Plymouth West Volunteer Fire Brigade.
He talked to our tamariki about fire safety and what we should do if we hear a smoke alarm go off, how we can keep ourselves and others safe, such as shout “fire, fire fire,” and then get down, get low and get out to the safe place (usually our letterboxes) to meet whānau and the fire fighters.

He showed us what fireman wear to let us know that although their protective gear can look a bit scary it is just a person that is here to help us.  He gave us some stickers and books for those who wanted to take them home and plan their escape routes with their whānau.  This helps to ensure everyone in their family knows what to do in the event of a fire.

The tamariki were all very engaged and contributed to the discussion sharing their knowledge with one another.  Through this experience we all learnt ways to look out for our own wellbeing and the wellbeing of others in the event of a fire.  It was awesome to have someone come in from our community to share their knowledge!