Active Play at BestStart Roydvale


In our Kakano room here at BestStart Roydvale, our 0-2 year old infants and toddlers are provided a safe place where they have opportunities to be active and explore at their own pace. We believe in freedom of movement, where all tamariki including infants are only placed in positions that they can get to themselves. 

Our outdoor area has a variety of age and stage appropriate opportunities for our tamariki to play and explore as they take risks in a safe and controlled environment. With access to climbing, balancing, bikes, balls, stepping stones, digging in the sandpit, rocking toys, tunnels and so much more. 

Tamariki are able to extend and develop their balance, co-ordination and turn taking, while maintaining confidence and control over their bodies. We make sure to change our climbing equipment around to meet the ever changing developmental needs of the current tamariki. Kaiako are always close by and ready to support any tamariki who may need it. 

With guidance and encouragement, tamariki can reach their goals! Our current group of tamariki have been enjoying riding their bikes down our ramp to the playground as well as climbing up and balancing as they make their way along the planks and bridges. Our indoor area can also be easily adapted to include climbing, especially on a rainy day. Music and movement is a wonderful way for tamariki to be creative and expressive in their own ways as they move their bodies to the rhythm of the music. Music can often be heard within our kakano room as we dance to our favourite songs such as sleeping bunnies and walking in the jungle.