All the colours of the rainbow
It has been all about exploring colour recently at Oamaru BestStart Kindy!
Our four year group times have a strong focus on literacy and numeracy, and recently our focus was around the letter Rr. Rainbows soon became a interest which we explored further through art and sensory experiences. Kaiako provided experiences for the tamariki to engage in, involving learning our colours, mixing colours to create new ones and added a scientific element to their learning through colour absorption.
We used beautiful spring flowers placed in food colouring which over time absorbed the liquid that we could then see in the petals! Also paper towels placed in coloured water absorbed the liquid and mixed together creating new colours and a beautiful rainbow!
These hands on activities in small groups allow tamariki to talk about what is happeneing and share their ideas and understanding. Our early childhood curriculum Te Whāriki supports children to be explorers and critical thinkers, having the confidence and curiosity to make sense of their world.