An explosion!
This month at BestStart Powells Road tamariki used team work to communicate and build the foundation for an exploding Coca-cola and Mentos volcano! They learned that volcanoes come from Papatūānuku the Atua/Mother earth. Whaea Dyani set up this experiment to expand on the experiment facilitated by other amazing Kaiako (Teachers), Whaea Stacie and Whaea Dannielle, a week prior. Using baking soda , food coloring and vinegar Dannielle and Stacie created a volcano in the sand! These experiences proved to Kaiako that this is an area of interest for the tamariki of home of the brave.
These volcano experiments play an important role in the development of our tamariki as the facilitation of these experiences guide them towards achieving their goals of learning through Mana Aotuuroa/ Exploration. Our tamariki are kaitiaki (guardians)of the land and during our adventures here at Home of the Brave we empower our tamariki to take care of our place. During our experiments we discussed different ways that we could take care of our land. Some of our ideas included; reducing waste, picking up our rubbish as well as reusing and recycling materials. Our tamariki were able to learn that even though picking up our things can seem insignificant; it can make a world of difference to our planet. Science encourages our tamariki to develop their intellectual curiosity, resourcefulness and helps them to quire new ways of asking questions to understand the world. Working together encourages the development of their problem solving and communication techniques. Science in early childhood is all about introducing tamariki to the way scientists investigate the physical environment. It confirms their ideas and thoughts about the environment we live in through exploration and investigation and allows them to create hypotheses/working theories to make sense of it all. Tamariki identify that these experiences are science knowledge. Keep being bold tamariki ma!
I wonder where these wonderful concepts and ideas of science and brave exploration will lead us next?