Animals, Animals everywhere - BestStart Judea


Animals are huge interest in our toddler’s Paua Room at the moment. To extend on this, the Paua Room teachers decided to plan a trip to our local Marshall’s Animal Farm. One warm Saturday morning we had our families join us to explore the farm together. It was awesome to see so many families join us and the children standing at the gate, eager to begin their adventure. Once inside our children were so excited to explore and find many different animals which had been part of their imaginative play at BestStart Judea. Ducks, rabbits, horses, sheep, deer, and emus just to name a few. This was such an awesome opportunity for parents to watch their children interacting with their friends as well as meet other parents. At lunch we sat down and had a picnic, everyone sharing stories of the day and making plans for our next big adventure. Once back in the centre our teachers continued to extend children's learning by setting up our own animal provocations for children to recreate their own Marshall's farm. Our children, families and teachers had such an awesome day, I wonder where we will go next, and will you join us for this adventure?