April in Ruma Kiwi


During the month of April, the Ruma Kiwi children have been exploring outside a lot once the days warm up. They've been out exploring their bodies - testing their bodies abilities and strengthening their muscles on the climbing equipment.

Through going outside the equipment changes to be a little more challenging and different barriers allowing all children the chance to explore the equipment in a different way. In our outdoor environment we have also had a range of different resources such as a ball pit and a sandpit giving the children the ability to explore rolling, throwing and passing. In the sandpit we explored digging, pouring and scooping. During this play the children were able to gain knowledge around their body in relation to manipulation. Exploring how our body fits in the world and also effects the world around them.

At the end of the month we also explored saying thanks to our mums.  We created some nice memories for our mums through photos, foot painting and cup painting.  Our mums are very important to us and need pampering once and a while and we love to show our appreciation for them.