Art Gallery


Our Preschool room held an art gallery to celebrate the end of their planning cycle. The creative arts were a big interest here at Puketaha, and during this time we explored different art mediums. Still drawings, watercolours, clay work, primary colours, 3D art, collage, nature art, ephemeral art, just to name a few. 

The children learnt literacy concepts, and mathematics as they explored space, colours and shapes. The children problem solved and learnt about attention to detail. They practised focusing on the task at hand, and then extending their work. Patience as they waited for it to dry before adding layers. 

Each child succeeds and achieves their own individual learning goals through this process. We did this learning medium across a period of 4 months and invited those who had gone to school in the new year to come back and join us, show off their mahi to their whanau, and also catch up with old friends. 

They were able to connect back with their kaiako to let them know how school was going. This was an awesome opportunity for kaiako to get to know whanau in a more relaxed setting and really delve into the needs, interests and aspirations of the whanau and their children. What a successful evening this was for our Preschool room!