Art Gallery Trip

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Art Gallery Trip Here at Best-Start Montessori Otumoetai, we value art. We provide children with art examples to view and appreciate. We also provide them with opportunities to enjoy their own art expression. 

At our centre we use a range of mediums for this expression. With this in mind, we recently took sixteen children, two Kaiako and two whanau helpers to visit the Tauranga Art Gallery. 

We took the local yellow bus into town. An exciting time for the Tamariki and an opportunity to sing a well-loved waiata! At the gallery, we observed a local exhibition of weaving and printing – Whaka Aho (connecting threads). Observing and appreciating the art was supported by the local Art gallery Kaiako, Whaea Sammy. The children then had an art lesson. 

Each step was modelled beforehand. The Tamariki used paper, rollers, paint, cotton buds, sticks, stamps, pens, a photo of themselves, and plastic OH sheets. A creative sequence resulted in a self-portrait to take home. Wow! Such a wonderful opportunity to guide and encourage. 

Our Tamariki were supported towards independence, a sense of achievement, and an appreciation for their own mahi. We value excursion learning at our centre!