At BestStart Kaiwharawhara whanau feedback is priceless


Our foyer may not be large, but it's definitely a cozy and welcoming space. We often hear from visitors how calming and inviting our team is. Our little leaders love showing guests around and encouraging other tamariki to join in and be a part of our community. Our waiting list for infant spaces stretches out to the end of 2025, and it seems like every other person who visits knows someone from our whanau who recommended they come check us out. 

Our whanau community is our biggest advocate, spreading the word about us like wildfire. At Kaiwharawhara, our vision is all about Cherishing Collaborative Learning. Our community fully embraces this vision, and you can see it in the way we communicate with them every day. We make sure to listen to every concern or compliment, big or small, which helps our whanau trust us beyond just being a 'day care'. Being open and transparent in our communication gives them the space to make the best choice for their family. 

Our team is truly global, covering Asia, Africa, Europe, and Australasia, which means we can confidently connect with families from all over. The relationships we form during these crucial learning years benefit not only the children but also our whanau. Trust is something we hear a lot about from our families. 

They often share stories of tough times and celebrations with the kaiako they've formed bonds with. We always remind our whanau that we're here for them just as much as we are for their children. They see this in action, and it reassures them that we're a safe space for their family. Thankfully, their experiences and journey with us are shared within the wider community, spreading positivity and warmth.