August Events


What a busy month we have had here at BestStart Highfield!

Our centre has held a whānau parent evening. All whānau were invited to attend an informative evening. We were lucky enough to have two guest speakers Vanessa Reid and Pamela Thomas . Who both shared and spoke about their knowledge in regards supporting challenging behaviours. Some of the Kaiako from each of the classes were able to also share how the class room support and manage behoaviours of the tamariki while in care. We were all happy with how the evening flowed and all whānau and kaiako took away some new information to put into practice. 

The centre also held a fun mini Olympic day. We were lucky enough to have a frost free morning to set up lots of gross motor Olympic themes experiences. The older tamariki enjoyed running races, long jump, jumping over hurdles, balancing beams and an obstacle course. In the nursery the tamariki had a great time using stepping stones to balance, ribbons to dance to music, jumping in and out of shapes drawn on the ground, and climbing up and over the wooden boxes. We were able to take lots of pictures to share with whānau and also made a display for the front entrance area.