Autumn Vibes

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At Best Start Shelly Bay Road we love being outdoors and enjoying our natural environment. We are very fortunate to be surrounded by beautiful mature trees and a lovely garden area where the children are engaged and content in our very inviting environment. 

A morning spent outdoors is never a wasted time here. Being close to nature is about staying connected and discovering yourself. The children's imaginations can run free, their hearts are filled with excitement and love for learning. We love how this experience pictured was a beautiful spontaneous moment where the boys made their own fun and were able to explore and be hands-on in their play. The laughter, smiles and conversations were authentic and contagious as other children came to join the boys in the leaves. 

This experience was not only fun and beautiful the children were able to investigate, and use all of their senses and it provided endless moments of learning. Why not come and check out our centre where your child can become his or her very best self, where they will learn, have fun, and most of all where they can connect and be a part of our loving Best Start Shelly Bay Road Whanau.