Baby Station
In the Preschool the tamariki have shown a strong interest in dramatic play, especially with many visiting our whanau corner throughout the day and taking the dolls on adventures. As the tamariki play with the dolls, we often find them coming to ask a kaiako for help putting on the dolls clothes. With the tamariki also currently developing their self-help skills we provided them with an opportunity to extend their interest in dramatic play and learn how to put the clothes on the dolls themselves. The kaiako set up a big baby change station, where the tamariki could wash their dolls, put on a nappy and dress them. With the support of the kaiako the tamariki were able to learn how to do each step for themselves and gained confidence in their own abilities. This was seen as tamariki begun to take responsibility for teaching each other how to dress the dolls as they created opportunities of ako (teaching and learning) amongst themselves.