Back again!
We are so happy to have all of our children back at BestyStart Waihi Kindy, healthy and happy after lock down. They have all grown both in height and in personality! We had lovely reunions with them all and they have all settled in happily catching up with us and their friends.
All the children have settled in well and have adjusted to the new hygiene practices well and so have the parents. All the children demand to have their temperatures taken with our new digital thermometer.
This week we have had rain! As it was still warm we allowed the children to play outside in the warm rain and they loved it! It's lovely to see them connecting with papatuanuku, the rain, the autumn leaves, hunting for bugs - praying mantis's in particular.
After the children had played in the rain, the children took ownership of getting themselves changed into warm, dry clothes. We promote independence here and it definitely shows! Children who need a bit of help do get it with loads of encouragement to try to do for themselves what they can even if it is putting their wet clothes in a plastic bag or in their wet bag.