Basic Physics


Open-ended resources that can be used in a variety of ways such as scarfs and boxes give tamariki the opportunity to explore basic physics. Emptying the tissue box at home may not be the most helpful of things but it brings so much enjoyment and excitement for our little ones and the learning opportunities here are endless. In the fantail room we welcome these urges by exploring and making sense of them. 

The most simple things in life bring so much enjoyment for our tamariki. Using different materials and lock boxes the tamariki are able to explore cause and effect as they pull the materials from it one by one, build on fine motor skills as they use the smaller muscles in their hands to tug and pull and once the box is empty the tamariki will then refill it helping them to work on hand-eye coordination. 

Another great benefit of this activity is being able to explore the different textures by rolling the scarfs through their hands and colours of the materials the tamariki love playing with bright and colourful things. Using the material to hide under and play peek-a-boo the tamariki are learning about object permanence knowing that something can still exist even when it cannot be seen. 

Small group activities like this give time and space for tamariki to have fun to play and laugh together helping to foster friendships and relationships that are so important in your learning space. Having kaiako get down to their level and join in the fun as well as helps to strengthen the bond between them.