Being Sustainable Together

At BestStart Napier Central, we believe that your tamariki are never too young to learn good life skills. Reducing waste and taking care of the environment has never been more important to lessen the effects of climate change and ensure that future generations can continue to thrive. There are lots of simple things we can do at the centre and at home to make sure that when your tamariki are in the driver's seat with their own tamariki, the world will still be a beautiful place. 

When things come into our centre such as yoghurt containers in lunchboxes, jam jars, bottles, and boxes in our grocery order, these items are washed and then added into our art space for our tamariki to reuse and recreate with. We have food scrap bins for chickens and pigs, which a local farmer collects from us once a week. We also have an active worm farm in our under-two's environment which our tamariki love to help care for. In our over-two's environment, our tamariki help to plant vegetables, fruits, and herbs in the gardens and then help to harvest and use these in cooking experiences or to feed our centre guinea pigs. 

Together we have been on a journey to cut down on our waste consumption. We are here to provide the best love and care for all tamariki and we want to teach them about looking after our planet too.