Belonging and Connections


The tamariki in Infant House love looking and exploring their profile books.  We noticed that they would point to their picture and each other's picture and say each other's names.  This lead us to examine our classroom and realised that we did not have much which represented the tamariki.

Te Whariki (the NZ Early Childhood curriculum) strand Belonging talks about children knowing they belong and have a sense of connection to others and the environment.

After recognising this need in our classroom the kaiako (teachers) have made a visual roll with the children's faces on it, which they put up the days they are at Montessori. There's two books for the wall with their pictures in it which they can explore and a world map with the tamariki (children's) pictures to the different countries where they and their whanau are from. The tamariki love exploring these and pointing to their pictures and the other tamariki pictures.