BestStart comes to Berryfields!

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A new adventure has started in sunny Richmond, Tasman. As the doors open for an exciting new BestStart in Berryfields, our rooms start to fill with tāmariki (children). Laughter, smiles, and lots of curious minds fit the final piece for our new centre. As relationships are formed, trust is developed, and many conversations have been had - our centre's community is evolving. 

BestStart as a name and childcare is very new for kaiako (teachers) and whānau in the Nelson/Tasman region. As an excited and passionate start-up team, we are committed to ensuring we continue to provide high-quality care, a home away from home, and a haven for tāmariki and their families to feel safe and secure. A place where learning is constant and curiosity is fostered. Our teaching team has expanded and we have loved welcoming new experienced kaiako aboard!

Our centre looks out to the car park that provides constant entertainment for our children as they can watch trucks, buses, emergency services, and the community of Berryfields as a hive of happenings. Directly under the flight path, the children take an interest in the variety of air traffic that fill the skies. Language, signs, and emotions of enjoyment fill the tāmariki's buckets. We have more days of sunshine than rain and whatever the weather, we enjoy and embrace both the outdoor and indoor environments.